Adolescent/Young Adult Clinical Specialties
For detailed information (background, biography) about the clinicians who specialize in treating your age group (up to age 21), click the links listed below, or request an appointment at Boston Children’s Hospital.
- Endometriosis Medical Management: Specialized gynecologic management of endometriosis, including early diagnosis, treatment, and pain management, with the goal of decreasing pain and preserving fertility.
- Endometriosis Surgical Management: Management of endometriosis symptoms using the latest surgical options.
- Gastroenterology: Management of gastrointestinal tract (bowel, rectum etc.) issues that may result from or occur in endometriosis patients.
- Pain Treatment Services: Specializing in pain treatments and techniques that help treat pain associated with endometriosis.
- Primary Care: Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine: Primary medical care for patients with additional complex medical issues.